Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Week 7: Creation-- Check, Promotion-- In Progress

After spending a few weeks finding a writer, training her to write for us, and finally settling into a cycle, I’ve become familiar with the content creation side of things and it’s running smoothly. Content promotion, however, is an area which I haven’t been able to explore yet.

The potential with effective content promotion is truly astounding -- after all, even if you’re producing the best content in the world, it won’t help your business if nobody’s consuming it. In fact, some digital marketers even recommend spending twice the amount of time on promotion as you do on creation.

My mentor wanted all the creases to be ironed out with the blog’s content creation before we moved to to content promotion, so we’re finally starting to brainstorm methods to get traffic to our blog and increase interaction.

The main method we are planning right now is leveraging the size of our preexisting email list, which includes many qualified leads and potential readers/clients. We’re working on setting up an automated email campaign which will run over approximately two months in an effort to expose our leads to blog content, case studies, and the LeadQuizzes brand in general. Hopefully this will help nurture leads and generate sales in the future, while bringing us more traffic as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hari. Did you actually hire this writer, or did you just help look for one? If you did specifically hire her yourself, how was the experience like? Especially since you're a teenager hiring someone probably much older than you.
